Saturday, October 23, 2021

Weekend Words

 From Amish Peace...


He fills my life with good things.  My youth is renewed like the eagle's! Psalm 103:5

Where do you find your satisfaction?  What feeds your soul?  I'm an introvert, so I get 'recharged' when I have time for quiet, Scripture reading, and reflection.  I have family members who get charged up by being with friends.

Like anyone else, the Amish have the same basic needs - for love, respect, information, community, safety, and fun - but compared with us they have very different ways of satisfying those needs.  Here is how Joe Wittmer, PhD, explains it:

Some non-Amish individuals have mistakenly assumed that the Amish are like them in need, or at least should want to be like them.  For example, recently after concluding a speech I had made concerning the Amish, an individual in the audience asked, "Are you telling us that they really don't want to drive a car, that they really don't want running water and that they really don't want to own a television set or a computer?  Come on, Dr Wittmer, this is the new millennium, the 21st Century!  Amish people surely must secretly want those things."  The answer is an unequivocal "no!"

The Old Order Amish really do not want to use our modern devices or appliances and they really do not want to be like us in most respects!  Matter of fact, Amish relatives will often tell me how they truly feel sorry for certain non-Amish acquaintances of theirs because of the stressful lives they see them living.

Can you relate?  The world may look at us as Christians and see all that we are "missing out" on, yet we know what satisfies our souls.  God is the only thing that can truly satisfy.  His love never fails.  His love renews, refreshes, and makes us feel as if we can soar.  And the more we have of God, the less we desire anything else.  We will actually end up feeling sorry for those who don't have what we have.  Turn to God today and be satisfied.

Dear heavenly Father, when I attempt to find satisfaction in anything other than You, I end up feeling drained.  Thank you for filling my life with good things!


And I've been working my way through this lovely little book: A Prairie Devotional that I bought recently, by Wendi Lou Lee, who played Grace (along with her twin sister) in the Little House series.  Even if you are not a fan of Little House, you will enjoy these readings. And if you are, you get a double blessing :)

(Season 5, Episode 6, "No Place Like Home")

Take a Break

"The first thing I'm going to do is go fishing.  Alone, where it's quiet." - Nels Olsen

After living above the Winoka saloon for months, Nels is eager to return to Walnut Grove for some peace and quiet.  We all need time to be alone.  Too few of us practice solitude these days.  Surrounded by constant interaction and noise, we seldom let our minds rest.  Wouldn't we all benefit from a mental break from time to time?

My husband has a jam packed schedule - most of us do.  His commute is the only time alone he has every day.  While I'd been taking time away since the kids where born, he never had.  I knew he would benefit from some solo time, where he could think without interruptions or responsibilities.

After much convincing, he headed out on his first Man Weekend.  He spent a few days in a cabin near Yosemite, all by himself.  He could do whatever he wanted, sleep until he woke up, and enjoy the silence.  From there, he travelled up north to visit a friend from grade school.  This guy makes my husband laugh more than any one else on the planet.  And while laughter is not quiet, in a way it can be just as nourishing and often leads to deep conversations when we have time to connect.

I can't tell you how refreshed his face looked as we huddled around him for a welcome-home hug.  His eyes glistened with life and energy.  He let out a deep breath. 

"That was wonderful.  I need to do it every year."

We all need a getaway.  Solitude gives us the chance to be quiet so God can fill us back up.  It's difficult to hear God speak over the noise of everyday life, especially in our crazy house.  Even Jesus had to get away to hear from His Father.

Whether it's hiking through the mountains, walking on the beach, or fishing like Nels, find a place to be alone.  A place away from the distractions of life.  When we are alone with the Lord, we are able to collect His blessings of peace.

"After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone." - Matthew 14:23 NASB

Where do you go to be alone?  Do you give yourself and those you love permission to enjoy a retreat?

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