Saturday, July 17, 2021

Winter rain...

We've had a lot of rain this last week and the river is up, with the walk track being under water in places...

walk track along left side of river under water

Although the rain has eased today, the river level continues to rise as water comes down from the mountains...

Makes for good inside days, and crocheting...

working on the border rows and then an edging

Good reading weather too...

read THIS years ago but am really enjoying it again

And there are these from the library to get through...

In the kitchen (because it's also good cooking weather)...

fried rice

soda bread (I make two loaves, slice, and put in freezer, and they last me a couple of weeks)

cold tea loaf (with sultanas, currants, dates and walnuts)

And for lunch today...
chicken stirfry with cashews (rice underneath)

It was Marnie's birthday a few days ago so I made a trip up to visit her.  We bought fish and chips for lunch and ate them by the sea...

In the safety of the car, away from the 'friendly' seagulls...

Here's my quote I read this week...

"Still another step towards simplicity is to refuse to live beyond our means emotionally.  In a culture where whirl is king, we must understand our emotional limits.  Ulcers, migraines, nervous tension, and a dozen other symptoms mark our psychic overload.  We are concerned not to live beyond our means financially; why not do it emotionally." 

- Richard Foster

You can 'walk in the sunshine' even when it's raining :)

Have a good week!


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