Sunday, July 25, 2021

Weekend Words

From Our Daily Bread...

Artwork: Thrush's Nest - John Atkinson Grimshaw

 Not Rushing Prayer - read Psalm 46

Be still and know that I am God - Psalm 46:10

Alice Kaholusuna recounts a story of how the Hawaiian people would sit outside their temples for a lengthy amount of time preparing themselves before entering in.  Even after entering, they would creep to the alter to offer their prayers.  Afterwards, they would sit outside again for a long time to "breathe life" into their prayers.  When missionaries came to the island, the Hawaiians sometimes considered their prayers odd.  The missionaries would stand up, utter a few sentences, call them "prayers", say amen, and be done with it.  The Hawaiians described these prayers as "without breathe".

Alice's story speaks of how God's people may not always take the opportunity to "be still, and know" (Psalm 46:10).  Make no mistake - God hears our prayers, whether they're quick or slow.  But often the pace of our lives mimics the pace of our hearts, and we need to allow ample time for God to speak into not only our lives but the lives of those around us.  How many life giving moments have we missed by rushing, saying amen, and being done with it?

We're often impatient with everything from slow people to the slow lane in traffic.  Yet, I believe God in His kindness says, "Be still.  Breathe in and out.  Go slow, and remember that I am God, your refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble."  To do so is to know that God is God.  To do so is to trust.  To do so is to live.

- John Blase

Artwork: Rustic Anglers - Charles Edward Wilson


Taken from Food for Lambs...

God Our Guide

Why are there so many anxious hearts, so much unrest, so many discontentments and fears?  It is because man is attempting to direct his own way.  He feels his weakness, and fears; he knows his ignorance, and becomes anxious.  How blessed to walk out upon life's way trusting in God and casting every care upon Him!  The waves may sometimes dash around our feet, but we are looking up unto Him who shall guide us continually.  The secret of a happy and successful life is to let God lead us.  When we get in a hurry and pass on ahead of the Lord, devising, contriving, planning over our work and way, then come fears and failures.

Many Christians find it difficult to know the will of God and understand His leadings.  Many hearts are longing to know God's will and way.  You may always know.  Do not hurry, only wait, pray, and trust, and God will plainly and unmistakably teach you His way and give you a sweet consciousness in your soul of His guidance.  Sometimes it may require long waiting.  I have for months been almost daily praying and sometimes rising a great while before day to seek God beneath the stars to know His will in a certain matter.  Sometimes it seems I must act, but God whispers in sweet stillness, "Only wait."

- Charles Orr

Artwork: By the Fire - Alfred Carlton Smith

1 comment:

  1. The Japanese call walking deep in nature forest bathing... I love bush walking for that reason.. You can listen easier and hear God speaking more clearly sometimes xx
