Thursday, June 15, 2023

Had the flu...

...but bouncing back.  Well, maybe not exactly bouncing, but back walking after not going for a week.  Took a video at the river this morning to show you, but it doesn't seem to want to load, so you'll just have to take my word for it.  The river was very high after all the rain we've had, although today was fine with a bit of sunshine, so a good day to get back to my walking.

One good thing about having the flu, is I sit and read and knit during the day.  Something I generally don't do.  And then I sit and read and watch episodes of Little House... of an evening!  With all this sitting, I'm glad to be able to get out and walk again!!

I'm knitting small scarves for the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes (on to my 5th now)...

As well as watching Little House dvds, I'm also re reading through the Little House books.  

A good winter pastime!

Baking soda bread...

also good in winter

And yesterday I made fruit muffins...
The original recipe is HERE, but I changed it a bit :))

Maybe some of you remember this top I started knitting a couple of years ago? 

I actually got it sewn up and just had some finishing off to do on it, but decided it was a bit snug fitting, so put it away.

Well, I got it out again today, and have started undoing it.  As I'm in 'Little House...' mode, I want to make a shawl like the red one Caroline Ingalls wears (but not in red).  The wool looks like its pink and purple in the photo, but it's actually maroon and navy (one strand of each). So, we'll see how I go with a shawl instead.

And here's a river photo from last week after some heavy rain...

And this one of the front porch and garden...

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, to discover that I had not lived." 
- Henry David Thoreau


  1. Lynda your house looks like one from the prairie;)) so cute.
    Love the recipe...but of course you changed it!!!
    Glad you are back being your active self again xx

    1. Yes, it's a cute (AKA very small) house, on the 'suburban' prairie :))
      Going to add some white choc chips to the muffin recipe next time :)
      And it's good to be up and about again and back to my walks. xx

  2. Nice catch up and glad to hear you are improving enough to get out walking again! We’ve had a bit of rain here as well! Good planning to start on the shoeboxes …I want to look into doing those this year! Thanks for the link to the recipe - some other interesting ones there as well. Hugs Sharm

    1. I had planned on doing some complete shoeboxes, but then Marnie's school asked me to knit scarves, so I will make that my effort for this year and get an early start on organizing boxes for next year.

  3. Oh, flu! Fluuey on it! :D I am glad you're better! Good luck with the ripping out and redoing.

    1. It's good to be up and active again. And the 'ripping and redoing' is going well :) xx
