Saturday, January 16, 2021

I love a rainy day...

 It's supposedly summer here, and we have had some very hot days, but the last couple have turned cool, cloudy and rainy (not that I'm complaining!)...

It's nice to have a reprieve from the heat, and I did get some gardening done earlier in the week.

I brought 5 bags of seaweed back from my visit with Marnie last week.  They had collected it from a beach near them.  I love seaweed mulch!! 

3 bags spread on here

and 2 left to spread here

Here are some photos from the Dooley's Hill walk we did while I was visiting...

And some of the native flowers we passed...
so pretty

and delicate

And these last couple of cooler, rainy days I've been working on the baby blankets...

for Little Wonder - the newborn intensive care unit of a large Sydney hospital

the bears have had fun with the blankets :)

Down at the river it's been a mixed bag weather-wise...
earlier in the week

this morning

And after all that walking and gardening, it's always nice to sit down with a coffee and a new magazine...

"A man travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it." - George Moore



  1. That delicate flower reminds me of something, but I can't place it. The seaweed mulch looks very natural - which is nice, because some mulches..... well, they can be pretty awful. :)

  2. I love the seaweed mulch because it reminds me of the sea :)

    I know what you mean about awful mulches. I tried to get some natural pine bark mulch (did manage to buy one small bag), but most places only have these horrible painted mulches (black or red!?!) and they probably aren't even wood, but plastic!! Maybe they are the new 'designer mulches'? xx
