Thursday, November 12, 2020

November Yarn Along


My bout of recent headaches is over, and I survived the dental work on Monday.  I do have to go back in two weeks for more, but the worst (the extraction) is over.  Getting back on track this week with walks, garden work, crocheting, reading...

Christmas gifts are coming along...

blanket 1 is finished

Blanket 2 is almost finished...

sewing together and doing border rows

Reading Home Fires Beneath the Northern Lights...

reminiscent of the Little House books

And enjoying my latest Ladies Journal with my morning coffee...

Down at the river...

The hawthorn are blooming...

In my garden...
baby apples on the tree

And because it's almost summer here and getting hotter, I am dreaming of autumn already, so sending you a photo Natasha sent me of autumn in Connecticut...

early on a foggy morning

Here's the Yarn Along link

Happy days!


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