Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Invasion

The invasion has begun...

Family from Connecticut arrived today...
Patrick, Oliver, Dylan, Natasha, Zak

They are still a bit jet lagged, so had an early night, but are here for 3 weeks so there will be plenty of time for catch ups.  The family from Queensland arrive tomorrow.

I imagine I will be saying goodbye to some of these blankets I've crocheted as the family claim them...

I'm still trying to get this one finished.  It's almost done...

And I bought The Beekeeper... recently which I'm keen to start, but  The Tattooist... that I'd reserved from the library arrived, so I'll need to read that first...

Still working on my knitted blanket squares too, although I doubt I'll have much time for knitting, crocheting or reading over the next few weeks.  Also not sure when I can get back with a  post, but will try and keep you updated with a few photos of our family outings.

And no post is complete without a few pics from my walks.  This morning...
 the path takes me under the road bridge

 past these trees

the geese were out this morning too

This is the Catholic church I walk past each day...

it's a lovely old bluestone building

At the river late yesterday afternoon...

And sunset tonight...

  I should have some company for my walk in the morning :)



  1. Oh, have a wonderful visit!! Yes, you will be busy - whirling! That church is beautiful - it looks quite old, but it must have been built to look that way - Christianity in Tasmania probably doesn't go so far back.

    1. Yes, busy is an understatement! But I'm having some home alone time (to 'recharge') while they are all out and about.

      I imagine the church was 'modelled' on British designs. I will check on the dates when I go past next. xx

    2. Lisa - the church was built in 1886.
