Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Cold here this morning...and a big frost, so me being the wimp that I am, waited till after breakfast (and the sun had come up) to go for my morning walk.

Back home then, for my morning coffee...and my new accompaniment...
should have taken the photo before I started eating it...sorry...but I was hungry :)
I've been having Castello Blue Vein cheese on my morning sourdough many years??? so decided a change was in order. 
 Sourdough with peanut butter, banana and a sprinkle of mixed spice.

Then I baked the Rock Cakes that were on my 'to do' list from yesterday...

Here's the recipe I used.  If you click on the photo it should bring it up large enough to read...
I added some almond meal, cardamom and allspice, and I didn't have any mixed peel, so used fresh, grated lemon rind. 
They smell good...but I haven't tried one yet.
Will spend an hour doing some tidy up work in the garden while the sun shines...
Then I will have earned a rock cake...or two :))


  1. They look very good - nothing like rocks. ;-)

    1. They don't tast like rocks either! Not that I'd know.... :)
