Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Pies. But not the kind you bake and eat...

 Last week Marnie and I made a trip to the Purple House Wellness Centre at Forth...

As well as some lovely gardens you can wander in...
and amazing trees

They have just opened up a new cafe which we really wanted to try...

and me :)

No, I'm not baking pies...

But I do seem to have my finger in a few 'pies' (aka yarn projects)...

the shawl is growing

as is this baby blanket

And I have all the squares done for this blanket...
just need to sew them together (the not fun part)

I'm re-reading the Love Comes Softly series (8 books) by Janette Oke...
I first read them about 30 years ago 

I'm reading the 3rd book (Love's Long Journey) and in the prologue, Janette writes...

"I often think about those pioneer women.  What it must have cost many of them to follow their husband's dream!  To venture forth leaving behind the things that represented safety and security; to birth their babies unattended; to nurse sick children with no medicines or doctors; to be a mother, teacher, minister, physician, tailor, and grocer to a growing family; to support their men without complaint through floods, blizzards, sandstorms, and droughts; to walk tall when there was little to wear, little to work with, and even less to eat.

God bless them all - the women who courageously went forth with their men.  And bless those who stood with tear-filled eyes and aching hearts and let their loved ones go.  And grant to us a measure of the faith, strength, courage, love, and determination that prompted them to do what they did."

The above images are from this book...
Which I now want to read as well...

So many 'pies' and not enough time :))



  1. Oh, the cafe looks very inviting!

    1. It was! So much so that I hope to make another visit soon :)

    2. Lynda, that was me yesterday - I was at work, and didn’t notice I was not logged in. 🙃
