Saturday, February 1, 2025

Garden talk...

Working in the garden, moving the rhubarb that was crowding out the little lemon tree.  It had been in a pot at Marnie's place and she brought it over and planted it in the garden.  It was quite a shock for it as it had been in the pot for a couple of years...

So I moved all the rhubarb to the other side of the garden...

Poor little tree!  

I gave it a trim (hopefully haven't killed it!), and spread some seaweed mulch around it...

I saved the rhubarb I thinned out, and also some of the lemons off the tree...

We picked up the seaweed when we make an unexpected detour to Pardoe Beach on the way home from Devonport, as Marnie wanted to get some photos for her Beanie/Jumper Instagram account...  

If I'd known we were going there I would have taken more empty bags.  But we found 2 in the car that we were able to fill...

Hopefully we can get back there again soon as seaweed makes a great mulch/fertilizer.  And it's free :)

the beans are growing well

I've been picking some each evening to have with my dinner

And a few ripe blackberries to have with my breakfast

The Roma tomatoes are doing well considering they are growing in a pot...
I was surprised to see one hiding in the middle starting to ripen

The apples are only small, but there are a lot of them...

Denver came over this week and chain sawed the top off the pittosporum that was growing up under the power line to the house...
should be easy for me to manage now and keep trimmed

While he was here, I got him to do a few more jobs :) ...

Chopping down these two trees that were growing up against the house...
I like trees, but not against the house.  This photo was taken June last year, so they were much bigger now

Much better ...

I will probably (eventually) plant a low growing cottage garden border along the side of the house

Rose in the garden a few weeks ago...

"If a person does not keep pace with their companions, perhaps it is because they hear a different drummer.  Let them step to the music they hear, however measured and far away." 

- Henry David Thoreau

Artwork: Yen Hoang

Have a great week friends :)


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