Saturday, November 23, 2024

Mostly about the garden...

It's a busy time in the garden at the moment.  Actually, it's always busy, but even more so in Spring...

The blackberries are coming on...

And after a slow start due to being moved from a pot to the garden, the lemon tree is going well...

Thyme is a favourite herb...

The rhubarb is doing well...

And the strawberries are on the way...

The apple tree that Marnie had in a pot, and we planted in the garden...

Same with the peach tree...

And a Roma type tomato, my favourite...

Mention was made of Frances Mayes (who's books I had read years ago) on Lisa's blog.  And this week I picked up Bella Tuscany at the op shop.  I'm enjoying the 'sweet life' as I drink my morning coffee...   

The raised garden bed is ready for planting, so picked up some green bean seeds at the nursery in Devonport yesterday...

I was going to plant them today, along with these seedlings I also bought, but it's raining...
A rose and a variegated lemon scented geranium; catmint; lemon variegated thyme; silver beet.  The silver beet (along with the bean seeds) will go in the raised bed.  Only need half the punnet so Marnie will take the other half to put in her raised bed. 

Marnie and I went for a walk this morning (before the rain started). Roses are in bloom everywhere at the moment...

My dream garden...
I love the colour combinations of white, pink and mauve

artwork by Laura Irene

"It is a wholesome and necessary thing for us to turn again to the earth and in the contemplation of her beauties to know the sense of wonder and humility." - Rachel Carson


  1. Those white roses look like whipped cream, don't they? But your garden - so many things, all healthy! It's weird for me to look at spring images, but I go through this every year, lol. I'm glad you're liking the Frances Mayes. It's almost summer for you!

    1. The white roses are lovely and smell heavenly. I pass them on my walks.
      I'm finding it a bit too hot to knit and crochet, so 'escaping to Italy' makes a nice diversion.
      Yes...almost summer, which I need to endure, so I can enjoy autumn again :)) xx

  2. Everything looks delightful. I love springtime. I am enjoying your posts.


  3. Bellissimo blog,se vuoi iscriverti al mio sarò felice!olga

    1. Thank you, Olga. I'm glad you are enjoying my blog :)
