From Be Still and Know...
"Seek the Lord and his strength: seek his face evermore." - Psalm 103:4
Today many are seeking for satisfaction and happiness. Some seek it in pleasure; others in fame; some in financial security; others in social position. But searching in these places is futile, for none of them bring the inner peace that people long for. Only in Christ do we find real peace, a peace the world cannot give, nor can it take away.
So often we seek for the things He gives us, but God's Word says we are to seek HIM, not His "presents" but His "PRESENCE". "Seek the Lord, and His strength; seek His face forevermore."
Today burdens weigh heavily upon us. Often we are so pressed in on every side that it seems all strength is gone. What a relief to know that when OUR strength is exhausted, we have HIS strength available. He is an unfailing source of supply.
Paul experienced the sufficiency of the strength which comes from God. God said to Paul, "For My strength and power are made perfect - fulfilled and completed and show themselves most effective - in [your] weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9, Amplified). Paul recognized the reality of it in his experience. "For when I am weak (in human strength), then am I [truly] strong - able, powerful in divine strength" (2 Corinthians 12:10, Amplified). sometimes God allows the pressures to come that we may discover how powerless and inadequate we are in ourselves, and that our dependence must be in HIM.
Not only are we to seek His strength, but His face. Many times our way is so dark we can't see ahead. At such times what comfort it is to seek HIM! "For God, who said, 'Let there be light in the darkness,' has made us understand that it is the brightness of His glory that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:6, LB)
In order to see a person's face, we need to be close to that person. As we draw near to Him, the brightness of the glory of His face is reflected in our lives, and from our lives.
Be satisfied with nothing less today than seeking Him, His strength, and His face.
From In Green Pastures...
The Radiance of God's Will
There are many Christians who grieve when they cannot serve their Lord in some form of active labour for Christ. When sickness shuts them in, and they can go forth no longer to their accustomed work, they mourn that they must be so useless. They forget that that is God's will, and that the doing of God's will is always the finest thing possible in this world for anyone. We worry about not carrying out our plans - the large plans that we make for our own lives. But it really matters very little what comes of our plans if only we do what God marks out for us. A successful life in the end is one which has done that for which God created it.