Thursday, March 14, 2024

News from home...

We are officially in autumn here, but it is still hot.  We've been having days in the high 20sC/80sF, so I'm glad for a cloudy day to go for my walks...

And some beautiful sunsets too...

A couple of weeks ago I went with Marnie and Tom to Tasmania Zoo.  Another very hot day (even the animals were seeking out a shady spot)... 

Still working on the 'colorful blanket'.  Have 4 of the 5 strips done...

But because I was getting 'color overload', I've put it aside for a bit to work on my 'calmer' crocheted blanket...
This is my 'Deloraine blanket'.  I bought the yarn a year ago, not long before I moved from Deloraine to Latrobe, in colors that reminded me of Deloraine: white (snow on the mountains and clouds), blues (river and sky), green (trees and grass/plants), greys (skies and mountains), brown (rocks and mountains).  The colors changed with the seasons, but it is always the colors of nature that draw me.

Picked up this delightful little book at the op shop recently...

makes me want to go out and buy a red geranium :)

And another op shop find, this bowl and jug ($9)...
which goes so well with my second-hand, old-fashioned wash stand (bought many years ago)

Had a lovely visit from two of the Mennonite ladies (and two of the young children), who brought me the books I had ordered from the Rod and Staff book publishers catalogue...
these should keep me going for a while :)

I recently finished re-reading Vera - The King's Daughter (previously read 2020)...
and have started From Wealth to Faith

I also received the head covering squares I had ordered from Michaela's Etsy store...
wore the brown one for church last Sunday

And Freya was not a happy cat, having cut the underneath of her paw and needing a trip to the vet (I was not happy either when I saw the bill!!) and bandage, so it could heal.  She also needed to stay inside for a few days which she definitely DID NOT LIKE!

She is all better now (but still not speaking to me), and is out exploring again...

And remember back in January I mentioned about my 'Bible Word for the Month' I was doing this year?  My January word being 'peace' (I found 29 verses); my February word was 'joy' (I found 42 verses); and my March word is 'trust' (so far, I've found 34 verses).  I'm sure there are many more, and it's been fun looking them up (in various concordances - KJV, NKJV and NIV) and writing them out.

Here are some 'trust verses'...

Psalm 9:10 And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You. (NKJV)

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,  And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. (NKJV)

Nahum 1:7 The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him. (NKJV)

"Lord, in your kindness, give me Yourself, for You are all I need." 

- Julian of Norwich (1342 - 1416)

Simply trusting every day;

Trusting through a stormy way;

Even when my faith is small,

Trusting Jesus, that is all.

Have a blessed week, and keep on trusting ...



  1. Oh, I love zoos! It looks like you still have such pretty scenery where you are now, and that sunset!
    That side shot of Freya reminds me of Sweetie; the other photo is cute with that paw bandage. I hope she's speaking to you now.
    That is a beautiful bowl and jug, Lynda! And the washstand - is that some Australian bird on the tiles, because it kind of reminds me of a mockingbird. (which I actually heard singing today, a month early!)
    I think I might get color overload, too, on such a bright blanket. But I admire your industry, as you know. xo

    1. It is finally starting to feel like autumn. Cool crisp early mornings and warm says. My favourite season :)
      Yes, the jug and bowl are very pretty, but I don't know what sort of bird is on the tiles. It may not even be a 'real' bird illustration, but a compilation/interpretation. I don't think we have mockingbirds here, but we probably some relatives of them.
      Yes, Freya is speaking to me again now. When it suits her :)) xx
