Thursday, April 13, 2023

April activities...

Been slowed down a bit with the flu.  Marnie shared her germs with me :))

But I'm feeling better now! 

While recuperating, I got a couple of projects finished.  This crocheted blanket I started last? year, or maybe the year before?  Anyway, it's finished now...

And I also got this one finished.  Always interesting to see how they turn out when I am just using up bits and pieces of left over yarn from other projects.  Except I did buy some brown to do the edging...

Still working on this one.  Edging now finished, just a few more ends to weave in...

And working on diagonal 8-inch squares that will eventually be sewn together (probably baby blankets) for charity...

Finished this book last night...
one from the Mennonites

Baked some cornflake cookies (with sultanas and white choc chips)...

And more bread...

On a sadder note, my eldest brother (86) died a couple of days ago.  He had dementia these last few years (which got much worse since his wife died two years ago next month) and has been in a care facility since then.  So, although sad, it is a blessing he is now at peace and resting with the Lord.

And see these photos...

They are of my new garden!!

Yep... I'm on the move.  At the end of the month.  But don't worry, there is still a river.  And lots of walking tracks.

It's a long story, I will reveal more over the coming weeks. But if I'm missing in action for a short while, you'll know why.

Never fear.  I'll be back...



  1. I'm sorry you lost your brother, Lynda! And that you've been sick (altho nothing keeps you down - those projects you finished). And, moving! I look forward to the postings. xo

    1. Thank you for your condolences, Lisa.
      No time to slow down... too much to do :) xx

  2. Nice to see a snippet of the new temporary digs which looks pretty with the autumn colours. Nice lot of knitting getting achieved. Sorry to hear about your brother 💗

    1. Thank you for your condolences.
      Yes, the autumn trees are pretty. My favourite time of year :) xx
