Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Autumn is in the air...

It's definitely been cooler these last few days.  The leaves on the trees have decided it's autumn too and are starting to colour...

And down at the river, some days are sunshine...

Others are cloud...

And over the back fence ...

Recently started a knitting project with this lovely 'natural' wool Natasha had sent me from Vermont...

A very simple sleeveless jacket (as the pattern book calls it)...
12 ply yarn and 6.5mm needles

It knitted up so quickly, that it is now finished...
this photo was before I washed it.  It's still very 'sheepy', which I like, but a lot of the natural lanolin and dirt has now been washed out.

I'm pleased to report all the green beans and apples have been harvested and processed.  Still plenty of blackberries coming on, and I hope to make an apple and blackberry crumble this afternoon.

Back to crocheting this blanket now, that I started last winter.  On to the last ball, so should get it finished in time for this winter.

And this morning I picked up Season One of Anne with an E from the library, having watched the first episode with Marnie and really enjoyed it...
And also The Littlest Library which looked like an enjoyable read

And some thoughts from Little House on the Prairie, which makes me want to read the whole series over again :)...

"After supper they sat for a while by the camp fire.  That night they would sleep in the house; they would never sleep beside a camp fire again.  Pa and Ma talked about the folks in Wisconsin, and Ma wished she could send them a letter.  But Independence was 40 miles away, and no letter could go until Pa made the long trip to the post office there...

'Well, it's bedtime,' Ma said.  Baby Carrie was already asleep.  Ma carried her into the house and undressed her, while Mary unbuttoned Laura's dress and petticoat waist down the back, and Pa hung a quilt over the door hole.  The quilt would be better than no door...

Mary and Laura lay in their little bed on the ground inside the new house, and watched the sky through the window hole to the east...

Now they were all inside the stout walls of their new home, and they were snug and safe."


  1. That vest will come in handy, and I love the yarn. I also love blackberries, excessively! :)

  2. Yes... I love the yarn too! And I have more left to knit something else.
    And today I made blackberry jam :)

  3. Autumn is definitely here - the mornings here are quite cool now but we've had a lovely couple of days this week. Love the colours in your blanket and the yarn from Natasha looks yummy to use!

    1. Yes... Autumn is here! Although there is a bit of a summer feel in the air today. Or maybe it's just because I've got the flu and am feeling hot :))
      But it's a good opportunity to get some other blanket projects finished while I'm not feeling too energetic. Both yarns are lovely, and every different. And I like to be able to switch between crocheting and knitting. For a bit of variety :)
