Friday, June 3, 2022

On the home front...

 June!  And we are three days into our official winter.  We've had some lovely autumn days, and not too much rain so far.  The vegies are all harvested, but there is still plenty of garden work to do.  I recently had a man in to lop the tops off 8 trees, as they had grown too tall.  The branches were put through his chipper and I've spent a good many hours spreading the mulch on my garden beds.  I'm pleased to say it is finally finished!



I finished a crocheted lap blanket recently.  I had started it a couple of years ago, wanted to make it bigger, but ran out of yarn.  I managed to find some that matched pretty well, and got it finished. 

 it's nice to have another unfinished project done!

I was back working on this lap blanket for awhile... 

But have put it aside to start knitting beanies for the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes...

Books on the go...
finished reading I Will Be a Father Unto You, and started God and Uncle Dale last night

I have a book (secondhand on eBay) coming next week that was recommended by my penfriend Sussanna who lives in the far north of Canada: A Song in Siberia, which I'm looking forward to reading.

And browsing the latest Grass Roots magazine a few days ago while having my coffee...

I came across some good recipes, which I have made, although I improvised with some of the ingredients :) ...
bread and butter pudding

beef and veg minestrone

Sorry the recipes aren't very clear, if you click on the photos it will bring them up larger, but if you still can't read them, and want them, let me know...

Have had a few outings over the weeks.  One to Sheffield with Marnie to take her elderly neighbour to visit her sister in the nursing home there....

we had lunch in a cafe while waiting, with an inspiring view through to Mt Roland

A walk at Don Heads near Devonport with Marnie and Denver...

by the sea

through the bush

the necessary photo shoot for Marnie's beanie business: Campfire Beanies

back to the sea

And my daily walk around the river track...

I do like the winter light, so much softer than the harsh summer sunshine :)

"There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,

There is a rapture on the lonely shore,

There is society, where none intrudes,

By the deep Sea, and music in its roar;

I love not Man the less, but Nature more."

Lord Byron (1788-1824)


  1. How wonderful to get a project finished! I do like the yellow and blue together - that's what my blanket I'm making was initially going to be .....blues and yellows and then somehow it ended up with all these other colours added to it lol!
    Good to get a start on the beanies for the xmas boxes. I hope Marnies business is doing well for her - Love the name! I really enjoyed all the murals that were in Sheffield when we visited there many years ago (2005 it would have been!).

    1. Hi Sharm!'s good to get one finished. Trouble is I finish one and start three more!! I like the blue and yellow together too. Very fresh and Spring like.
      A nice reminder, with the VERY cold weather we are having at the moment. Which is good for Marnie's beanie business!
      A trip to Sheffield is always enjoyable. Probably a few more murals there now since you visited. xx

  2. I really love your blogs LK. 🤗 They inspire me!

  3. I am very surprised that you would have any unfinished projects at all !

    1. Haha! I think what would surprise you, is just HOW MANY unfinished projects I have :))

  4. You have such beautiful scenery, even the cafe view! :)
