Friday, August 20, 2021

On the home front...

 I actually ventured further afield this week, and did a bush walk with Marnie, in the Latrobe area.  There are some lovely walks up that way!  We had perfect pre-Spring weather.  It's not officially Spring till September...

"Man cannot be independent of nature.  In one way or another he must live in relation to it, and there are only two alternatives: the way of the frontiersman, whose response to nature was to dominate it, to assert his presence in it by destroying it; or the way of Thoreau, who went to the natural places to become quiet in them, to learn from them, to be restored by them." - Wendell Berry

the Mersey River

the wattle is in bloom

tree tops

what goes up must come down


"Walk away quietly in any direction and taste the freedom of the mountaineer...
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." - John Muir (1838-1914)

And back home again...

I mentioned starting the pastel scarf in my previous 'home front' post.  I enjoyed knitting it so much that I made another one in darker colours.  It's a great way to use up leftover amounts of yarn, and I'm now knitting some smaller ones for the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes...
these will be sent to a charity

I enjoyed reading Elizabeth Goudge (as mentioned previously), having never read any of her books.  I will get back to more of her, but I am now reading The Amish Way...
I don't seem to be able to stay away from books like this for long.  
Anabaptist books are my default!

Our Spring-like weather didn't last for long, but I did manage to get the grass mowed yesterday, before winter returned today...  

Not that I am complaining, grey/cloudy is my kinda day!  I'm pleased I got my walk in early this morning before the rain started in earnest, and is supposed to continue for the next few days.

I read this quote today...

"May gentle and beautiful moments be yours today."

It is my wish for you...


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