Thursday, October 1, 2020

Life in the fast lane...

It's so fast, that last week slipped by without me finding time to get my mid week post on.  And last weekend was busy with Marnie and Denver here, and also a visit from friend Vicki.

So here's a bit of a catch up...

The trees at the river are in blossom...

As is my plum tree...

I made a Lemon and Blueberry loaf/bread...

The recipe...

As usual, I used a mix of flours (white/wholewheat/spelt/buckwheat/quinoa/almond meal) and some spices.  Also only 1/2 a cup of brown sugar.  The oven temperatures are in F, so if you use C it is about 175 I think

Also made rock cakes...
I have shared this recipe previously, but if you want it again, just let me know

Most days I spend a couple of hours working in the garden...

continuing to move the taller hellebores to the back of the garden bed and transplant lower/ground covers to the front

And tackling this eyesore...
the previous owners had a big fish pond sitting on the bricks/rocks.  I'm clearing the gravel/rocks from the top (and hoping there is dirt/soil underneath) and will plant it out with?  something?
You can see the jasmine I planted along the fence finally starting to grow

Which doesn't leave much time for crocheting and reading...
Still sewing the blanket squares together and hope to have a finished photo for you in next week's Yarn Along post

But no matter how busy I am I always try and make time for my morning coffee...

this week I enjoyed it with the latest issue of an old friend, Grass Roots magazine, which I have been reading (and enjoying) for years 

And my daily (sometimes twice) walk...
early light this morning

"Never lose an opportunity  of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God's handwriting - a wayside sacrament."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. What a pleasant week you have had, very satisfying.


    1. It's nice to be able to cross some of the jobs off the list. Cross one off, add two more :)) xx

  2. Love that last quote a golden nugget to add to my notebook. Your week thus far looks lovely and comforting, it’s Fri-yay tomorrow 🙂❤️

    1. I have a book too, where I write down notable quotes as I come across them. Enjoy your weekend! xx
