Wednesday, July 25, 2018

And so it continues...

The river was up again this morning after heavy rain yesterday...

And the boardwalk was under water again...

So I had to take a detour through the trees...

After finishing my morning chores, I worked on sewing up this pullover/sweater/jumper (depending where you come from) for one of the charities I support...
 and got in a bit of reading time

The Nordic Theory of Everything - interesting, informative and entertaining.  A bit more in-depth than the plethora of similar genre books around at the moment.

The Listener is my bedtime read.

Enjoyed in the comfort of my cosy /hygge loungeroom...

While dreaming of the sea...

She loved the sea.  She liked the sharp, salty smell of the air, and the vastness of the horizon, bounded only by a vault of azure sky above.  It made her feel small, but free as well.

- George R. R. Martin - A Storm of Swords


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