Friday, March 17, 2017

Yarn it!

Wasn't going to do a Yarn Along post for this week because I didn't think I had much of interest to say.  I probably don't...but will say it anyway...

Continuing to work on the crocheted baby blanket...

Continuing to read 40 Days in the Wilderness...and enjoying it.
And about to start Acquired or Inspired? from the church library.

Still working on my jumper (or sweater/pullover...depending where you come from) as the mood takes me...
 have the back and half the front done

The family (10 of them) will be here in June to do the Three Capes Track walk, and as it will be the middle of winter, I thought I'd get the real wool out and knit a few beanies...just in case they are needed...

Throwing this one in...just because...
the last of the beans and some of the first of the tomatoes...from the garden
That's it!!
Enjoy what your day brings...


  1. that was well worth my time. thanks.

  2. Good progress on things. And a very good idea about the beanies!

  3. A friend from work just finished a walk in Tassie, I'm pretty sure it was the 3 Capes , and I think the beanies will be very useful to do a walk in Tassie in Winter! Are you going on it as well?

    1. No...I'm not going. The walking would be no problem, it's the overnight bunk house accommodation which, although very nice, is a bit basic for electricity and outside toilets :)) xx
