Friday, November 28, 2014

I'm ba...aaack!!

Had a lovely time away...except for the windscreen chip I managed to acquire on the drive home :((.

Got in lots of walking...some shopping...and catch up time with friends!

Here we are enjoying our Christmas Lunch at the Casino...

(from left: Brenda, Pastel Pam, Yvonne, Pommie Pam, Fay, Jo, me)
 We did a gift exchange, but Brenda outdid us all by giving each of us a miniature oil painting she had done.  It's 4 inches by 3 inches...on a little wooden easel...just beautiful! 
Unfortunately I didn't think to take a photo of all the different scenes, but I just love those grey, muted colours.  She has called it Misty Morning!  She knows me well :)))...
And I was too busy eating to think to take a photo of my main course...roast pork, vegies and salad, but did stop long enough to get this photo of my dessert selection...
Just as well I did lots of walking while away :)))
So...there you have it...a good time was had by all!!!
(PS - just click on any of the photos to enlarge them)


  1. Sounds like you had fun Mum, desert looks delicious and Breda's painting is gorgeous. Pity about the windscreen chip.

  2. Obviously from one of my children:))...but which one??? Natasha??

    Windscreen chip all fixed :))

    Still walking off the dessert :))

