Friday, January 17, 2025

Late Family Christmas celebrations and a wedding...

Had almost all the family here for some late Christmas celebrations... 

And remember these little Christmas trees I was working on before Christmas...

I managed to get them finished...
all 20 of them!!

Added some little wooden shapes...

And packaged them up for the family...

The family were also here for Denver and Sophie's wedding.  In a beautiful rainforest setting...

I don't have any of the official photos yet (and I didn't take any), these are a few the family took...
Sophie and Denver

Denver, Jaya and Sophie

Tom, Marnie and Jaya

Me, Jefferson and Jaya
And if you are wondering why Jaya is in so many, I think these are ones Jefferson sent to me :))

cowboy Ben

rice boy and rice girl (Jaya and Hazel)

I don't have any of Hayley :(( 
Hopefully there will be some in the official photos.
Or of the lovely wedding cake Marnie made!

And some random photos from their time here...

Dylan, Hazel and Jaya at Tazmazia

at Boat Harbour beach

And it was Natasha's birthday the day she and Dylan left.  I was supposed to be at the lunch too but came down with a bad migraine and a cold that morning... 
Marnie, Natasha and Sophie

Natasha, Sophie, Denver, Dylan

Thankfully the rest of the family made it special for her :)

It was a crazy chaotic time with them all here, but so lovely to see them!

Resting and recovering now :))


Friday, January 3, 2025

A new year ...

I hope you all had a nice Christmas and 2025 is off to a good start for you.

I decorated my hall stand with cards and my 'tiny tree' (wooden bead necklace and a star button).  I will leave it up as the family are arriving next week for our 'family Christmas' and gift giving at Marnie's.   
She, Tom, Denver, Sophie and I were to have a Christmas lunch at her house on Christmas day, but Tom unexpectedly ended up in hospital a few days prior and has only just come home (2nd January).

  He was very sick for a time, two different hospitals, a time in ICU, and the high care medical section, but is well on the road to recovery now.

On Monday and Tuesday, the family arrive from interstate and overseas for Denver and Sophie's wedding on 11th, so we will have a family Christmas meal on Tuesday. 

I've set myself a 'challenge' to buy no new books for the first 6 months of the year.  12 months was a bit too daunting, and 3 months didn't seem like much of a challenge, so I went for 6 months.  I will still buy secondhand, and this is my first 'challenge' purchase from the op shop today ($2) ...

Went on my first 'proper' walk for the year this morning (walking to the shops and the post office doesn't count).  Saw a friend on the way...

I'm excited to start my '52-week Bible Study for Women' which includes reading through the Bible in the year...

FYI - both books were bought last year, before my 'no new books' challenge :)

I'll leave you with this thought...

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."  C S Lewis

Well...what are you waiting for... :))

Weekend Words

From Oasis of Hope...

Quiet Waiting

"It is good that a man should hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord." - Lamentations 3:26 ESV 

Jeremiah went through hard times.  For years he preached to the inhabitants of Jerusalem about turning back to God, but they did not bother to listen.  Enemies captured Jerusalem and Jeremiah suffered alongside the people of the city.  He experienced deep anxiety, which he poured out directly to God.  Yet in the middle of the long lamentation in Lamentations 3, his tone changed.

He said, "But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope" (Lamentations 3:21 ESV).  And then Jeremiah had peace.  He ended by saying that it is good to wait for God in quietness.

Jeremiah seemed to take on the idea of yet.  During affliction, God is faithful.  We can also choose to say the same.  After every difficulty, God is faithful, and so there is hope.

We have many questions for God.  Various pressures draw us in different directions.  Sometimes God takes His children into situations where questions fall silent.  We learn to wait in quietness and simply put our trust in Him.  Job stated that after his trials it was his turn to "lay my hand on my mouth" (Job 40:4 ESV), to be silent before God.

In quietness, we can let go of senseless striving and trust God to be God.  We learn that He is different from what we imagined.  We cannot define Him, and above all, God has countless possibilities to give us help, even ones that we know nothing about yet.  As a matter of fact, in the waiting we learn our secret weapon is "in quietness and in trust shall be your strength" (Isaiah 30:15 ESV).

There is hope yet.  the fact that we are still here, asking for help, is an indication that He has sustained our life.  Allow His quietness to be your strength today.  Rest on Him.  Trust in Him.  Spend a few minutes in silence before Him, and breathe of His peace.

- Anu Ahonen  

From In Green Pastures...

The Lord will Provide

Write deep in your heart this new year, this word of sublime confidence, JEHOVAH-JIREH.  It tells you that you can trust God always; that no promise of his ever fails; That he doeth all things well; that out of all seeming loss and destruction of human hopes he brings blessing.  You have not passed this way heretofore.  There will be sorrows and joys, failures and successes, this year, just as there were last year.  You cannot forecast individual experiences.  You cannot see a step before your feet.  Yet Jehovah-Jireh calls you to enter the new year with calm trust.  It bids you put away all anxieties and forebodings - "The Lord will provide." 

Artwork by Robin Elise

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Weekend Words

From Our Daily Bread...

Artwork by Naoko Stoop

Fireworks of Life - Read: Ephesians 2:12-18

"He himself is our peace." (Ephesians 2:14)

On New Year's Eve, when high powered fireworks detonate across cities and towns worldwide, the noise is loud on purpose.  By their nature, say manufacturers, flashy fireworks are meant to split the atmosphere, literally.  "Repeater" blasts can sound the loudest, especially when exploded near the ground.

Troubles too, can boom through our hearts, minds, and homes.  The "fireworks" of life - family, struggles, relationship problems, work challenges, financial strain, even church division - can feel like explosions, rattling our emotional atmosphere.

Yet we know the One who lifts us over this uproar.  Christ Himself "is our peace", Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:14.  When we abide in His presence, His peace is greater than any disruption, quieting the noise of any worry, hurt, or disunity.

This would have been powerful assurance to Jews and gentiles alike.  They'd once live "without hope and without God in the world" (v. 12).  Now they faced threats of persecution and internal threats of division.  But in Christ, they'd been brought near to Him, and consequently to each other, by His blood.  "For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility" (v. 14).

As we start a new year, with threats of unrest and division ever rumbling on the horizon, let's turn from life's noisy trials to seek our ever-present Peace.  He quiets the booms, healing us.

- Patricia Raybon

What "fireworks" are shattering the calm in your life?  When you give them to God in prayer, what peace do you feel?

Comforting God, when life's fireworks shock and unsettle me, draw me to Your peace.

Artwork by Robin Elise

From Beside the Still Waters...

Resolutions - Read: Hebrews 13

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." - Hebrews 12:2

Resolving to do better is always in order.  But have you noticed that many of the resolutions made at this time of year tend to focus on ourselves?  "I resolve to lose weight."  "I plan to be more organized."  "I will overcome this bad habit."  We certainly admire those who are able to stick to a program of self-improvement, for we all have areas where we could do better.

However, a closer look at Hebrews 13 reveals something different.  This chapter has many nuggets of advice for improving our Christian walk, but these pointers focus on other people.  One example is verse 2: "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."  Such a resolution certainly involves focus on others rather than ourselves.

Another example is verse 16: "But to do good and to communicate forget not."  This is not simply a suggestion for improving ourselves, but a directive to reach out and share with people in need.  We can "communicate" by sharing our material blessings or by visiting a shut-in, or encouraging a fellow pilgrim on his way.

Verse 17 encourages us to obey our church leaders so that "they may do it with joy, and not with grief".  Our overall desire should be to "let brotherly love continue" on the basis that Jesus Christ is "the same yesterday, and today, and for ever."

"O Lord, as we enter this year before us, and as we resolve to reach out to others, grant that we may focus more and more upon You and Your kingdom, and less and less upon ourselves."

Allen Hoover - Ephrata, PA

Each day I'll do a golden deed,  By helping those who are in need;

My life on earth is but a span,  And so I'll do the best I can.

-William M. Golden

Artwork by Elodi W

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Christmas (2024) thoughts...

 I had hoped to get this posted yesterday (which was Christmas day for us here in Australia) but the internet has been down.  Thankfully it connected up today, and while some of you are perhaps still enjoying your Christmas celebrations, here are some thoughts to ponder...

From In Green Pastures...

On Christ's Birthday

It is Christ's birthday.  In among all our festivities should come sweet thoughts of the love of God.  The gifts we may receive should make us think of the greatest gift of all - when God gave his Son.  Let us all try to make our Christmas very full of memories of Christ.  Let the blessed love of Christ make a glad Christmas in our hearts, helping us to be like Christ himself in love, unselfishness, and forgiveness.

Echoing Christmas Songs

What Christ is to us we ought, in our human measure, to be to others.  Christmas means love.  Christ came to our world to pour divine kindness on weary, needy, perishing human lives.  The Christmas spirit in our hearts should send us out on the same errand.  There is need everywhere for love's ministry.  We should learn the true Christmas lesson of gentle, thoughtful kindness to those we love and to all we meet in life's busy ways.

Christmas Lessons

Christmas should teach us to be Christ to others all about us, that from our very garments may flow the virtue that shall heal and bless all who touch us.  There are few people whom God calls to do great things for him, but the best thing most of us can do in this world is to live out a real, simple, beautiful, strong Christian life in our allotted place.  Thus in our little measure we shall repeat the life of the Master himself, showing men some feeble reflection of his sweet and loving face, and doing in our imperfect way a few of the lovely things he would do if he were here himself in our place.

"...I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." - John 10:10

The images above are from a lovely Christmas card Denver and Sophie gave me :)  

Our Christmas day plans were derailed a bit this year, but "all's well that ends well".  I hope I can get an update on before the end of the year if my temperamental internet connection will allow it.  

I wish you all the joy and blessings of this Christmas season and leave you with my favorite Christmas song.  I post it each year, but this is a version by Lauren Daigle who I have recently discovered.




Friday, December 20, 2024

Weekend Words

 From Christmas: Quiet Moments for the Season...

Weighed Down at Christmas - Read Luke 4:14-21

During a December visit to New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art, I paused to admire the magnificent Christmas tree.  It was covered with angels and surrounded at its base by an elaborate eighteenth-century nativity scene.  Nearly two hundred figures, including shepherds, the Magi, and a crowd of townspeople, looked in anticipation towards the manger or gazed up in awe at the angels.

But one figure appeared different from the rest - a barefoot man, who carried a heavy load on his back and looked at the ground.  It stuck me that this man, like so many people today, was so weighed down that he couldn't see the Messiah.

Christmas can be a difficult time for those who carry the burden of hard work, stressful family situations, and personal loss.  But we should remember that Christ came into the world to lift up all those who are bowed down.  Jesus used the words of Isaiah to announce His God-given mission on earth: "To preach the gospel to the poor; ... to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed" (Luke 4:18 NKJV).

Jesus came to lift our burdens so we can raise our eyes to welcome Him at Christmas.

- David McCasland

From Our Daily Bread...

The Light of Christ - Read: Matthew 2:1-2, 9-12

"When they saw the star, they were overjoyed." - (Matthew 2:10)

My husband and I have always enjoyed attending the Christmas Eve service at our church.  In the early years of our marriage, we had a special tradition of bundling up in warm clothing after the service to hike up a nearby hill where 350 glowing lights were strung from tall poles in the shape of a star.  There - often in the snow - we'd whisper our reflections on Jesus' miraculous birth while we gazed out over the city.  Meanwhile, many people in the town were looking up at the bright, string-light star from the valley below.

That star is a reminder of the birth of our Savior.  The Bible tells of magi "from the east" who arrived in Jerusalem seeking "the one who [had] been born king of the Jews" (Matthew 2:1-2).  They'd been watching the skies and had seen the star "when it rose" (v. 2).  Their journey took them onward from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, the star going "ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was" (v. 9).  There, they "bowed down and worshiped him" (v. 11).

Christ is the source of light in our lives both figuratively (as the one who guides us) and literally as the one who created the sun, moon, and stars in the sky (Colossians 1:15-16).  Like the magi who "were overjoyed" when they saw His star (Matthew 2:10), our greatest delight is in knowing Him as the Savior who came down from the heavens to dwell among us.  "We have seen his glory" (John 1:14)!

- Kirsten Holmberg

How has Jesus brought light to your life?  With whom might you share that today?

Thank You, Jesus, for being the light of my life.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Weekend Words

 From Christmas - Quiet Moments for the Season...

Artwork by Olaf Ulbricht

A Wonderful Life - Read: Galatians 3:26-4:7

Each December, millions of people around the world watch Frank Capra's 1946 film It's a Wonderful Life.  Although it wasn't a hit when it debuted, it has become a Christmas classic.

In a Time magazine essay, Roger Rosenblatt pondered the film's continuing appeal.  He concluded that the story is really about friendship.  That helps to explain why we often feel choked up as we watch George Bailey's family and friends rally around him in his time of greatest need.  Rosenblatt said, "Just when George thinks he's alone in the world, the world shows up to declare its love for him."

That sentence seems to capture the essence of our celebration of the birth of Jesus.  Just when we thought we were alone in the world, Christ came to declare God's love for us.  Not only did God send His Son into the world at exactly the right time (Galatians 4:4-5), but He also demonstrated 'his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).  That's the message of Christmas that opens the door to a wonderful life - the joy of knowing Christ and living in His love.

Have you received the gift of eternal life that He offers to you?  If not, do so today.

- David McCasland

Artwork by Robin Elise

From Our Daily Bread...

The Perfect Gift - Read: Acts 3:1-10

"Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you." (Acts 3:6)

While I was on an outreach during a short-term mission trip to Peru, a young man asked me for money.  For security reasons, my team had been instructed not to give out money, so how could I help him?  Then I recalled the response of the apostles Peter and John to the lame man in Acts 3.  I explained to him that I couldn't give him money, but I could share the good news of God's love with him.  When he said that he was an orphan, I told him that God wants to be his Father.  That brought him to tears.  I connected him with a member of our host church for follow up.

Sometimes our words can feel so insufficient, but the Holy Spirit can empower us as we share Jesus with others.

When Peter and John came across the man by the temple courts, they knew that sharing Christ was the greatest gift ever.  "Then Peter said, 'silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk' "(v. 6).  The man received salvation and healing that day.  God continues to use us to draw the lost to Him.

As we search for the perfect gifts to give this Christmas, let's remember that the true gift is knowing Jesus and the gift of eternal salvation He offers.  Let's continue to seek to be used by God to lead people to the Savior.

Who can you pray for this Christmas?

Who can you share Christ with?

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Jesus.

Artwork by Lore Pemberton