Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday Snippets

A few snippets on a Sunday afternoon...


These photos are actually from a few weeks ago when our church joined with some others in the area for Church in the Bus Shed. Some folk from Wesley Vale near Devonport own a bus company, and each year around this time we join with a few other of the Uniting Church congregations for a morning tea/service/lunch.  We travelled there and back in one of the air conditioned buses, and had a lovely day of fellowship...

 (enjoying morning tea in the a-joining shed on arrival)

The platform/stage was on the back of the flat tray truck you can see in the distance...
 (finding a seat for the service...we ended up with over 100 people there)
Smoke and fires

There is still much smoke around and fires are still burning in the area.  An unprecedented 4 day total fire ban has been declared for the whole of the state (as in you are not allowed to light any type of fire for any reason).  Some pics from my morning walk...


(the sun at 7am yesterday morning)

(a close looked like a red moon!)
(the river over the slipway is very low)
(The Makings of a Mess!  I tend to spread myself out a bit when I work!!)
It's in the oven now and starting to smell delicious (and I will probably get 3 meals out of it!)...
 (rack of lamb cutlets; marinade in red wine and olive oil; with garlic, red onion, rosemary and thyme; salt and pepper)

(and the vegies - potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnip, swedes, red onions, capsicum, beetroot - tossed in olive oil and sprinkled with salt, pepper and cardamom)
Wanted to leave you with this quote I read this morning in my devotional book...
One of the hardest things in our secret prayer life is to accept with joy and not with grief the answers to our deepest prayers. At least I have found it so. It was a long time before I discovered that whatever came was the answer. I had expected something so different that I did not recognize it when it came.
And He doesn't explain. He trusts us not to be offended; that's all.
 (Amy Carmichael - 1867-1951)
Enjoy your day...keep safe...and be happy!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Finally finished the blanket...

And remember this one...I started ages ago?  Well decided I didn't like it...and didn't have enough wool to finish it anyway, as I'd used some on other projects, so unwinding it all...

Reading this really good book.  Have had my fill of fiction for awhile, wanted some real life stuff...and this is pretty real life!!

Linking up with Ginny for Yarn Along for the crochet/read bit.

Some foggy river shots from my early morning walk...just because I love fog!!

The family wedding last November (didn't have any photos until recently)...
 (daughter Marnie and son in law Phil)

 (the wedding party)

(the girls...the 2 blondes are mine!)

My hard to get them all together at the same time...can't get much more together than this :))...
(Ben, Natasha, Marnie, Jefferson) 
 OK...that's enough for today...
Have a good one!

Sunday, January 3, 2016


This post was supposed to happen on's now 3rd!  Not off to a very good start am I :))

In 2016, I'm working on this premise...

...and am keeping a written record of all monies spent...just to see where it goes (and to make me feel guilty when I buy another magazine or book!!).

Also started downsizing (clothes, books, etc.) in anticipation of a move to my new home in the next couple of months.  Some of you may recall I'd mentioned my son and daughter were buying me a house.  (We were actually going to build, but to cut a long story short...we have decided not to.)
So...after 2 1/2 years searching...trying to find a property we could all agree on :))...I think we have finally found one!!  Still a few loose ends to tie up, but it's looking good...

Moving right along...  And linking up with Ginny for Yarn Along...

Each year I chose a different devotional book to read with my morning cuppa.  I have been using the Our Daily Bread booklet for a number of years now, and this year am also reading (or I should say re-reading as I've used it previously), a Year's Journey with God.  I've also read her autobiography...Journey into God's Heart.  Both books are exceptionally good...

Also browsing these...

The crochet continues (I've actually added another row since I took this, it's now 5 x 4 rows).  Will add a 5th row and then a border around the whole thing...

And the knitting (a vest for me) is coming along...

Re-reading some Derek Tangye, and hoping for the same...A Quiet Year!!  I have a number of his books that I have picked up at op shops over the years...
While I'm on books...I have the urge to read the Anne of Green Gables... series!  Other years it's been the Little House...  series.  Funny what a new year does to us :))
And in the words of Christina Rossetti...
What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb;
If I were a wise man
I would do my part;
Yet what I can, I give Him -
Give my heart.
If you'd like to read the whole poem...go HERE...and click the music on the right side of the page and you can sing along!  I just did :))
May your 2016 be just the way you like it...quiet or otherwise :))