Sunday, March 15, 2020

Weekend Words

Small Beginnings - Matthew 25: 14 - 29

When I was asked to begin working on what would possibly become this devotional book, I felt some sneaking sympathy for the servant who buried his talent.  The task looked too big.  It would be far easier to decline the offer.

The parable of the master with the three servants and the talents he gave them always makes me wonder.  There are so many questions.  For instance, why did the servant who buried his talent think that was the easiest route?  Was it indolence, or something more complicated?  And the faithful servants who worked hard and doubled their talents: How did they feel the first day after their master left?  Eager to begin proving they were capable of this task?  Or overwhelmed by the responsibility that was now theirs?

We aren't told how long the master was gone on his journey.  But if he was travelling into a far country, it's probably safe to assume he was gone for quite a few years.

I imagine the faithful servants didn't significantly increase their master's goods the first day.  Likely not even the first month.  But I believe daily they worked faithfully at that which needed to be done that day.  No doubt it took a long time and a lot of work to turn five talents into ten.  It took just as long and just as much work to change two into four.  Yet the amount they started with and the amount they ended with was not as important as what they did with it.

When their master returned, he was pleased for two reasons.  They had been willing to work with what he had given them, and they faithfully took care of it for him to claim when he returned. 

The servant who was so harshly denounced and stripped of all he had was the one who refused to use even that small bit which he had.  Did he ever begin?  Did he start but find the work hard, and give up because it wasn't easy?  How did he spend that long time while his master was gone?  Was it in idleness, wickedness, or merely self-indulgence?  The only thing we really know is that he gave up.  He had nothing to show for his efforts when the master returned.

When faced with a daunting task, I remember that man.  If the work is great and I can make only a small beginning, even that is better than not doing anything at all.  Tomorrow I will add a little more to that.  And the next day a bit more.  And the next day...

Prayer: When the load appears too large for me, Lord, remind me to focus on one small step first.  And remind me too that you are beside me to help carry the burden you've laid upon me.

 (from Water My Soul - Darla Weaver)


This devotional is particularly relevant to me as I lost 4 days this past week with headaches, so am way behind with things (including a weekly blog post).  I was able to keep up with essential day to day chores in the home, but the garden work has gone by the wayside.  I try to get out most days and at least do an hour there, but after almost a week of neglect, especially at this time of year, with produce to harvest and rain and warm weather that has things continually growing, it is a "daunting task".

But... "small beginnings', or as we say in our family when things overwhelm, "baby steps" :)

So tomorrow (Monday) Lord willing, I will "make a small beginning", and the next day "add a little more", and the next...

I'll also try and get back soon with a catch up post.

And unfortunately my computer won't let me upload any photos at the moment...


  1. Goodness, Lynda, why so many headaches lately? Although I will say that I think fall is when I get most of mine. This past fall I was taking Exedrin almost every day until it got cold.

    1. I think they are weather (and perhaps sinus) related, and I do better on cool, calm, cloudy days. Roll on winter!! I do have an appointment this week to see a good GP who is into more natural remedies/supplements,


      I now have what I am hoping is just a bad cold, so will need to cancel my appointment and reschedule when I am better. xx
