Thursday, September 5, 2019

September Yarn Along

Spring has arrived!! 

Found these hiding in the weeds...

The charity blanket is finished!  I crocheted the squares together this time and am happy with the result so will do that in future instead of sewing.  At least for these charity blankets...
This will be mailed off to Wrap With Love

This is the reverse side with the raised crochet edge...
 and just a couple of border rows of crochet to finish off

Grandson Denver and I tweaked this one and got it as best we could regarding pattern.  Was going to leave it random, but it 'sort of' formed a pattern anyway, so then we needed to balance it a bit...
 partly sewn up

Reading A Fort of Nine Towers (recommended by Lisa), am not very far into it, but I think it will be good.  And looking forward to reading Floundering, a Tasmanian book I bought yesterday.  Short stories from Cradle Mountain...
going well with my sweater/pullover/jumper (depending where you come from)

Here's the Yarn Along link.

And slightly off topic, but Lisa wanted me to share my tomato base recipe I mentioned in a previous post.  It was from a friend (thanks Dan) but I may have altered it a bit...

Fry up chopped onion and garlic in some olive oil.  I also added chopped celery, because I had some here.  Add tomatoes (I used the ones I had in my freezer from the garden). Season with 'whatever'.  Think I added a 'pinch' of salt, pepper, sugar, cinnamon, allspice, cardamom, dried Italian herbs, a bay leaf.  It really depends what you like and how spicy you want it.  Let it simmer for awhile (an hour?) to cook down a bit and blend flavours.  When it cooled I put it through the blender.  I'd used a mix of tomatoes, some the small cherry ones, so lots of skins.  I then froze in containers to use, and add to, when needed.  Voila!

And while on the subject of food I also made some blueberry and white choc chip muffins...
Want one?

A quote I read this morning...

"The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective.  You don't have control over your situation.  But you have a choice about how you view it."
- Chris Pine (actor)

May the view be sweet!



  1. Thanks for the recipe, Lynda! About Fort of Nine Towers: what I liked best about the book was the way it was told - this young man went through a lot, but he wasn't bitter or resentful. That spoke volumes to me. I hope you will like it!

    1. Yes, I am enjoying the book. It is slow going though as I only read it of an evening when I get into bed and depending how tired I am I might only get a couple of pages read. But I am getting there slowly :) xx

  2. Lovely blanket and those muffins look so delicious!

    1. Thanks Lisa!
      Yes...the muffins were delicious! All gone now :) xx
