Saturday, August 26, 2023

Weekend Words

 From Beside the Still Waters...

Missed Flight: Read John 14

"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

I was waiting at the airport to fly home after having back surgery a week earlier.  When departure time drew close and my flight still wasn't announced, I finally went to the information desk.  There the agent informed me that I was at the wrong gate and that my plane had already left.  I suffered the keen disappointment of missing my flight!

This experience illustrates how some people view the church.  John goes to the "airport" (church), thinking this is a sure way to get to his "home" (heaven).  He takes a seat and waits.  He watches the many people, observes several quarrels, and tries to pass the time with a magazine.  John feels comfortable because he knows he is at the right airport.  He becomes distracted by the sights around him.  While John sits patiently waiting, the plane leaves without him.

Do we become members of a church, thinking this will get us to heaven?  Jesus surely is the way to Heaven, and the church is an important help in getting there.  But the church will not give us a free ride; we have our own part to do.  We need to have a living, vibrant relationship with our Pilot, Jesus Christ.  We must heed His instructions and love the other "passengers", helping the needy, visiting those who are sick or in prison, and doing good even to those who wrong us.

In Matthew 25 we read about the King dividing the sheep and the goats.  The King did not go by what they professed to believe, but by how they had treated the "least" of His brethren.  Let us live for Jesus and obey His teachings, lest we suffer the terrible disappointment of discovering that we have missed our flight.

Levi Miller - Roberts, MT

Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets.  But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are. - Luke 13:26-27

From Be Still and Know...

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" - Psalm 91:1

Insecurity is a characteristic of many people today.  They are constantly searching for ways to give themselves greater security.  They purchase insurance to cover every conceivable kind of hazard.  They install various kinds of protective devices to give safety in their homes.  Yet with all these precautions they are still fearful and worried.

The above verse is a favorite Scripture.  Psalm 91 has been called the "Traveller's Psalm," for its blessings can be appropriated for our journey through life.  It is a hymn of trust and assurance.  The Berkeley translation calls it "Divine Security."  It brings words of comfort, peace and strength.

In the midst of our worry and fear-filled lives, God has a secret place where we can live with Him in perfect security.  "Dwelleth" means to reside habitually with Him; it means to live in His presence.  There we have a place of safety.  No harm can touch us, we are protected from danger, and we are safe IN HIM.

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty (Whose power no foe can withstand)" (Psalm 91:1, Amplified)

When the storms of life break on us we have a secret place where we can run for safety.  When we are misunderstood, when false rumors are circulated about us, when we are deeply hurt by someone dear to us, we can hide under the shadow of our almighty God, and feel His comfort and understanding pour into our hearts.  He can minister to us as no one else can.

There we find ourselves having heart to heart communion with God.  In Song of Solomon 2:3 we read "I sat down under His shadow with great delight."  "Sat down" indicates abiding there with no desire to leave His presence.

There in His presence we find protection, security, peace, and delight.

It has been said that "under the shadow of God's wing the little shadows of life are blended into His peace and thus lose their terror."


  1. How true it is! Belonging to a church, and following religious practices are a means to an end, not the end in themselves!

  2. I have always loved the analogy of resting under the shadow of His wings..
