Sunday, February 19, 2023

Weekend Words

 Both the following devotionals are from Beside the Still Waters...

Butterfingers - Read: Matthew 18:7-22

"Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard." - Proverbs 13:15

Recently I bought three sheep.  Chocolate and Caramel are very tame and trusting, but Butterfingers tended to be skittish from the beginning.  Here are some of my thoughts and some things we might imagine Butterfingers thinking.

Me: I will put this collar and a drag on Butterfingers.  Then I can catch her and handle her, and she will become tame.

Butterfingers: Why does the man make me drag a heavy weight around?  Chocolate and Caramel don't have to do that, and they're bigger than I am.  It's not fair.  The man is obviously picking on me.

Me: There, I caught her rope!  Butterfingers can sure put up a fight.  She thrashes and yanks.  She falls down and then gets up and thrashes some more.  She makes a terrifying experience out of something that could actually be pleasant.  If only she'd hold still, I would feed her and brush her coat and apply insect repellent so the flies don't bite her legs.  She is making it difficult for herself and everyone else.

Me: Oh, no, Butterfingers is out!  I wonder how she got through the electric fence.  I'll need to put her in a sturdy little pen.

Butterfingers: Baaa!  I want to be with Chocolate and Caramel.  They have green grass to eat, and all I have is dry hay.  I just don't understand why the man treats me so different from everybody else.

The Bible compares people to sheep.  As I consider the actions of Butterfingers and then ponder my own tendencies, I think the sheep comparison is fitting.  The next time I wonder why everyone is picking on me, I will consider who might actually be the problem.

Gary Miller - Pantego, NC

If you think everyone is picking on you,  Just look at your actions from their point of view.

Our Journey Through Life - Read: Psalm 23, 25:1-14

"In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." - Proverbs 3:6

On our winter road trip to visit relatives, our travels took us through varied weather conditions.  Many times we sped along on smooth, dry roads and the sun was shining.  Our journey also took us over icy, snow-packed roads.  After dark we could not see far ahead as we slowly navigated through a blinding, blustery snowstorm.  We were thankful for God's protecting hand when we safely arrived at our destination.

So it is on our journey through life.  We appreciate and prefer those pleasant times when the skies are sunny and the roads are smooth.  However, we also run into stormy times and howling winds of trials, troubles, and sorrows.  At these times the way ahead may seem hazy and uncertain.  But then the Lord is truly our shepherd, we need not be overwhelmed with fear or despair.  We are not alone.  We are in God's care, and we have the promise of His abiding presence.

Most of us know what it is to encounter winding curves of swiftly changing circumstances.  Some experience dark valleys of discouragement or deep waters of sorrow.  We certainly do not need to make our way through these by our own feeble efforts and wisdom.  Our trust must be anchored in the Lord.  By His divine power, He can meet our needs and keep us safe from all harm.  Jesus gives us inward peace and rest as we trust Him day by day.  We can be fully assured that he will guide us along the upward way that leads to our final destination, our eternal home in glory.  Let us keep pressing on!

Mark Kropf - Halsey, OR

Shadows around me, shadows above me, Never conceal my Saviour and Guide;

He is the Light, in Him is no darkness; Ever I'm walking close to His side.

- George H Cook

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