Sunday, February 13, 2022

Weekend Words

These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. - John 15:11

As we look at the faces of people today, few reflect joy.  This is understandable, for conditions in the world tend to produce fear instead of joy.  People are seeking joy but in the wrong places.  They are looking for it in outward circumstances, but to their great disappointment, they do not find it.

Not long before His crucifixion, the Lord Jesus shared with His beloved disciples words of encouragement.  He knew life would not be easy for them; some would suffer great persecution.  Yet He wanted them to know that even in trouble, they could have joy-filled lives.

The joy Jesus was talking about springs from a heart untouched by outer conditions.  He had been talking with His disciples about the abiding life.  "Abide in me, and I in you" (John 15:4).  He used the vine and branches as an illustration.  He had told them these things that they might know that such a relationship would give joy in the midst of trouble.

This same joy is possible for us today.  From a vital union with Christ comes real joy for our lives - His joy - for He is its source.  He said, "...that MY JOY might remain IN YOU."  It is a supernatural joy produced in us by the Holy Spirit.  We try to find joy in what we have or what we do, but real joy comes from constant abiding in the Lord.

Outward happiness is not permanent, but the joy of the Lord is.  Jesus said, "...that my joy might REMAIN in you."  When our joy is in Him, no one can take it from us.

The Lord does not do things in small measure.  He promised, "...that your joy might be FULL."  The Living Bible (John 15:11) reads,  "Yes, your cup of joy will overflow."  A container overflows with that which is within.  When our lives are filled with His joy, it will overflow on others.

His joy, a joy you can experience in any circumstance, is for you personally today.  "I have told you this so that YOU can share MY joy, and that YOUR joy may be complete" (John 15:11, Phillips).

Freely ye have received, freely give. - Matthew 10:8

What do you have that you have not received?  Every day you are a recipient of God's blessings.  Do you thank Him?  Do you live as though you appreciate His gifts?  Do you share with others what you have received?

A clear, sparkling mountain stream feeds the Sea of Galilee.  The water is fresh and the sea full of fish.  Day and night the water flows into the sea and out again.  

When the water flows out of the sea into the Jordan River, it drops downhill fast, over waterfalls, making many twists and turns.  Finally it empties into the Dead Sea, which has no outlet.  The millions of gallons of water that run into the Dead Sea just lie there in the sun and evaporate.  Salt deposits are left behind, and even the fish cannot live in its salty waters.

Do you see the contrast of a living and giving individual to one who only receives but never shares with others?  Be like the Sea of Galilee.  Pass on the joy of your salvation through your constant smile, your friendship, your sympathetic ear, and your finances.

Jesus told the disciples to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out devils.  There was work to do, and Jesus wanted them to share with others the power He was giving to them.

There is much to do today as well.  Many people need you.  The more you give, the more you will receive so that you can bless even more people.  You will find a giving life to be a blessed one.


  1. Aaaahhh a Beautiful song sung as only WN can do it! 🙏❤️

    1. It's been going through my head all week :) xx

  2. This morning, Father was talking about happiness, and our idea of it might not be the same as God's. He said we have to remove our vision of happiness so there is a place for God's happiness. He didn't use the word "joy" but it's the same thing as you have above! The gospel reading was the Beatitudes. Joy even in difficulty. :)

    1. Our happiness can come and go. Seems to be very dependent on favorable outside influences. But I see joy as more internal, which we can still maintain despite difficulties in our life. xx
