Sunday, October 27, 2024

Weekend Words

 From Be Still and Know...

"Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations?  Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow (James 1:2-3 LB).

Today the world is full of people with lives full of trials.  Our attitude and approach to trials has an important effect on our reaction to them.  We can let them become problems, or we can let them become triumphs by lifting our sights above them to the Lord who is in complete control of them.

Christians can expect the PRESENCE of trials in their lives.  They are not exempt.  "Man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward" (Job 5:7).  We would prefer another method than trials but we have no right to question God's method.

The presence of trials is a part of the refinishing and developing process of bringing us to a place of spiritual maturity.  This should be our goal - reaching out to a life of maturity in the Lord.

Christians throughout the Roman Empire were noted for the joyful way they met problems.  Paul is a good example.  He and Silas could sing praises to God at midnight in prison.

But God's Word assures us that in the midst of our trials joy can be real.  "Is your life full of difficulties and temptations?  Then be happy."  The important thing is how we react to trials.  As they come, count them one by one, and count them with JOY, not joy for them, but joy in the midst of them.  We think it is joy when we escape trial, but not so in God's plan.  As we accept and count them all joy, we mature and grow in patience as we learn the needed lessons.  Adversity is a great teacher.

Our reaction to trials reveals the level of our maturity.  What is our reaction when we are criticized?  Our feelings are hurt?  When lonely, discouraged, or disappointed?

If we are growing, can we COUNT our testings with joy?  We may not always be joyful, nor enjoy our trouble, but we can count it with joy.

From Oasis of Hope...

God's Consolation

"When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul." - Psalm 94:19 NASB

As you go about your day, do you ever worry over a problem?  Perhaps it's how you're going to pay a certain bill.  Maybe a situation at work or with a coworker causes you concern.  One thought leads to another, then another.  Soon your mind becomes an anxious mess.

It's so easy to get into that cycle.  God doesn't want us to live that way.  Anxiety doesn't come from Him.  We make it worse by worrying instead of asking God for help.

Frequently, the issues we are distressed about are outside of our ability to manage anyway.  By allowing anxiety to grow we think we can gain control of the situation, and we don't want to give it up.

God wants to help us.  He's waiting for us to ask Him.  He will relieve the burden on our minds.  He can be trusted to take care of our needs.  He longs to comfort and console us as a human parent would.  When we hand over control, our minds can be freed of anxiety, and this will delight our souls.  It is such a relief to let it all go and trust God to handle all our concerns.

Releasing the need to control and acknowledging God's power over all things, we can learn to trust Him with the things that cause anxiety.  What is weighing heavily on your mind today?  Is worrying about it going to help?

God wants to lighten your burden.  Take your concerns to God in prayer and leave them there.  He will give you peace and console your mind.  Sit back and watch what God will do.

- Julie Wilson Smith

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