Saturday, September 28, 2024

Weekend Words

From Our Daily Bread...

Retrieval Practice: Read Exodus 20:8-11

"Remember the Sabbath day." - Exodus 20:8

Have you ever been in the middle of telling a story and then stopped, stuck on a detail like a name or date you couldn't recall?  We often chalk it up to age, believing that memory fades with time.  But recent studies no longer support that view.  In fact, they indicate our memory isn't the problem; it's our ability to retrieve those memories.  Without a regular rehearsal of some kind, memories become harder to access.

One of the ways to improve that retrieval ability is by regularly scheduled actions or experiences of recalling a certain memory.  Our Creator God knew this, so He instructed the children of Israel to set aside one day a week for worship and rest. In addition to the physical rest that comes from such a respite, we gain an opportunity for mental training, to recall that "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them" (Exodus 20:11).  It helps us to remember there is a God, and it's not us.

In the rush of our lives, we sometimes lose our grip on the memories of what God has done for us and others.  We forget who keeps close watch over our lives and who promises His presence when we feel overwhelmed and alone.  A break from our routine provides an opportunity for that needed "retrieval practice" - an intentional decision to stop and remember our God and "forget not all his benefits" (Psalm 103:2)

- John Blase

From Oasis of Hope...

Rest and Be Restored

"And He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest awhile." (Mark 6:31a NASB)

"Rest awhile."

You might be saying, "Yeah, right!  Have you seen my life?"

Life has gotten so fast-paced and chaotic.  Everywhere we turn, often at all hours of the day, something or someone is competing for our attention.  Television, computers, smartphones, text messages, email, and social media clamor at us continually.  Our spouses, children, friends, and co-workers have legitimate needs we have to fill.  Where in our hectic, busy lives can we rest awhile?

When Jesus told His disciples to get away by themselves to a secluded place and rest, they had just returned from a busy time of sharing the message of Jesus.  They brought the sad news of John the Baptist's tragic death.  Especially in times of stress and grief, we need to intentionally seek out time alone with the Lord.  If there is something specific causing us unease, we need to leave it for a time so we can be restored and ready to deal with it once again.

Jesus knows of our need for physical, emotional, and spiritual rest.  Being human Himself while on earth, He had the same needs for rest as we have.  Jesus often intentionally went away to spend time alone with God the Father.  By example, He taught us how to live a healthy life of abundance.  Part of doing that included drawing away for rest when He needed it.  He showed us we are not being selfish to care for ourselves in undisturbed rest with Him.  In resting at the feet of Jesus, our souls can be refreshed.  By taking time away from the busyness of life, we are better equipped to deal with it when we return because we are refreshed.

Take some time today, if possible, to intentionally get alone with the Lord and rest in His presence. 

- Jodine Zeitler

"We observe the Sabbath best when we use it for both rest and worship." - Billy Graham

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