Thursday, August 22, 2024

Another long overdue update...

 There are signs of spring in my garden, although we've officially got a couple of weeks to go...


And last week I had a trip to Penguin with Marnie...

A pretty garden in the town...

And Marnie in a tree :)


I got Granddaughter Hazel's vest finished and in the mail to her in time for her 6th birthday...

I found this little bird button in my button tin which I attached to the neck...

And this baby blanket and chunky scarf will go to two of this month's charities supported by Knit4Charities...

I'm back working on other unfinished projects now.  Will show you next update :)


I have these two books on the go at the moment...

True Community by Jerry bridges (my 'daytime dip', when having my coffee or eating lunch).

My Seventh Monsoon by Naomi Reed (my bedtime read).

One of three camellias in my garden.  The other is red and I'm not sure about the third.  I think it's also pink, but I rescued it from behind some other overgrown bushes and although it has lots of buds, they haven't opened yet.  Stay tuned...

I have 'plans' for the garden (when it stops raining and the ground dries out a bit).  Hopefully I can share next update :)

"While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night shall not cease." - Genesis 8:22

See you next time :)



  1. Oh, I so love Hazel's vest! The cool stripes. Your spring flowers are so pretty, and that Marnie flower is nice, too. :D
