Saturday, July 20, 2024

Be careful what you wish for...

I wished I had more time to get some of my knit/crochet projects finished.  

I got my wish.

I got the flu!?!  

Feeling better now :)

And I did get quite a few projects finished, and others a step closer to being finished. 

But I also started a couple of new ones.  Ooops...

This one has gone in the mail to be sent to fistula patients in Ethiopia

This is one I started awhile back.  Have all the squares done and am now edging in blue...

And doing the edging on this one so it can go to a charity at the end of the month...

Two weeks later...

Back again!

It's raining today, so no walk...

But I've been busy...

making tomato relish

and Anzac biscuits 

to enjoy with my $2 op shop find (Amish Country) and coffee

Denver had his first exhibit at the Lego convention in Ulverstone...

And last Tuesday Marnie, Tom and I had a trip to Boat Harbour for Marnie's birthday lunch...

Still working on Hazel's vest, but must get it finished and in the mail next week for her birthday...

And while I was weaving in the last ends on this blanket and reading Above Rubies magazine...

I came across this poem...
Your Haven

Home is such a cozy word
Made up of letters four, And oh, the satisfaction
When your key turns in the door!

The chairs, the table, walls and hearth,
They are yours to touch,
No matter if they're shabby,
They mean so very much.

Whether you've a stately home
For which some people yearn,
Or whether it's a tiny place
with not much room to turn,
Home is a blessed haven,
It holds the very core
And the secret of your pleasure
When your key turns in the door.
~ Miriam Eker

"Count your blessings, name them one by one;

Count your many blessings, see what God hath done."

Have a blessed week!



  1. Lynda! You must be better. I'm sorry you had the flu! Love Hazel's vest!!

    1. Doing the side bands and sewing up on Hazel's vest. The (not) fun parts :))
