Wednesday, June 22, 2022

On the home front...

It's hard to believe we've reached the shortest day here, and almost the middle of the year!  Time sure flies when you are having fun.  Or busy!!

So here's a bit of what I've been up to, in no particular order...

My boxes and other resources arrived for the Christmas Child shoe boxes.  I had been knitting beanies for the boxes, but have put that aside for now as I had a request from Hayley to knit a sweater for Hazel...

Found a pattern and enough yarn in my stash and have finished the back and am working on the front.  Need to get a move on with it or winter will be over....

Also been doing a bit of sewing.  Making a pinafore/jumper from a 2 1/2 metre length of new cotton twill fabric from the op shop for $3...
and playing around with head coverings, trying to come up with something I'm happy with

Still tweaking this a bit, but I think it will work ok...

There is still plenty to do in the garden, weather permitting.  I've been cutting back the helichrysum (licorice plants) along the driveway side of the house...
half way there

And when it's raining... I bake bread...

And make more 'bread and butter' pudding using fruit cake from the freezer...
so easy and delicious

This morning on my way home from my walk I called in to the Mennonite Fruit and Veg shop and treated myself to one of their cinnamon scrolls...
and some good reading material also arrived in the mail

I'm half way through the book (A Song in Siberia) that I mentioned in my last 'Home...' post.  It's very interesting and inspiring...
also have a Miss Read book on the go for when I want something light, and The Lim Family of Singapore is my bed time read

Still getting out for my river walks most days, unless it is raining heavily.  Here are some photos from a recent winter walk...

"Stilled now be every anxious care;
See God's great goodness everywhere;
Leave all to Him in perfect rest;
He will do all things for the best."
- From the German


  1. Lovely to hear your news LK. Always productive too. Lovely photos.. Can i have bread pudding recipe plz. Luv n hugs 🤗 V

    1. Will include the recipe in my next 'Home...' post. xx

  2. Hello Lynda - The hedge looks so much better where you have trimmed it - amazing how a trim can produce such a difference to an area! You have been very productive and I need to find my energy again ....... must get that bread recipe you shared and make it up (I bought the ingredients and didn't get any further, but I need to!!) Nice to see your walks continue ...... I'm getting up the courage to go on mine again after my fall - it threw me more than I realised!! Hmmmm, Bread and Butter pudding - haven't made that in years - must have a look at getting more productive again (now that I'm able to do more with my arm too) Big Hugs Sharm

    1. It's a difficult spot to get things to grow as it gets virtually no sun, so I'm glad the hedge has done so well. And all from a few small cuttings!!
      Glad you're recovering from the fall and hope you can get back to the walking routine soon. xx

    2. Found out yesterday from the specialist that the elbow has actually had a hair line fracture as well!

  3. Love that tree that's leaning over! The floral fabric is very pretty and nice and cool-looking. Of course, it is winter where you are, isn't it? But it's been ninety here, and coolness occupies my mind.
    Okay, so helichysum is licorice??? Well, I'll be. I've just been looking at etsy face creams with that ingredient, which is supposed to be good for calming the skin and healing. Do you do anything with it, Lynda? Don't let it go to waste! :D

    1. I could do with a little warmth, especially in my frozen fingers!! We've had -2C/28F here, which is even a bit too cool for me :)) But is midwinter!

      The helichrysum is commonly called licorice plant, because it supposedly smells faintly of licorice, but it's not true licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra - and related to beans and peas), so I don't think it has any health or healing properties.
