Sunday, October 19, 2014


A is for Art

When down south I bought another painting from Brenda.  A sunset at Swansea...

I bought this one from her last year, of Marion Bay, but it reminded me of the beach I walked on every morning at Stanley...
I'm getting in before she gets famous and I can no longer afford to buy her work :))
 B is for Books

These are from Book Depository (which will be my financial ruin). I recently re-read Brene Brown's  The Gifts of Imperfection, and have bought her other two books (Daring Greatly and I thought It Was Just Me).  You can read about Brene and her books on her website HERE.  Have started the I Thought It Was Just Me book...
Looking forward to reading the Anne Lamott and Anna Quindlen ones also.
Still reading Book 2 in the My Struggle series.  It's very good but can get quite heavy and intense...not the sort of book you want to be reading in the middle of the night when you can't sleep.
So when I was in Launceston recently looking for a pair of shoes, I bought this Kate Llewellyn book.  She is an Australian author and I have reserved some of her other books from the library. 
I still haven't been able to find a pair of shoes I like (sigh), but when all else a book!!!
I am really enjoying Kate's book, it is a calming, gentle, interesting read...just the thing for 2am reading...

C is for Charity Knitting

Had the knitting ladies here again last week.  We have put together 5 cot blankets to send to KOGO...
(Judith-Anne, Betty, Roma, Shirley)
 D is for Drawers

Which I bought from The Black Hen this week...for my new house, but I think I might be getting a bit ahead of myself...
E is for Earth
It's official!! The purchase of the  block of land has been finalised.  Now for the building process...

Gosh...I seemed to have a lot to say this time.  Must try and not let it go so long between posts...
Oh...I wanted to leave you with this quote from the final thoughts in Brene's The Gifts of Imperfection book...
"wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness.  It's about cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, No matter what gets done and how much gets left undone, I am enough.  It's going to bed at night thinking, Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn't change the truth that I am also brave and worthy of love and belonging." (p125)
The best thing we can do for ourselves is be ourselves!!
PS - I just have to tell you that Lin Enger (brother to Leif Enger) has a new book out!
They are both amazing writers and I have read all their books. guessed it...I've ordered it from Book Depository ! :))

Linking the books and knitting to Ginny's blog for Yarn Along!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Tripping down south

As in road tripping...not the other kind of tripping...

Had two nights in Kingston and got in 4 walks on Kingston Beach...

 (looking from one end)

(to the other)
Caught up with long time friend Brenda in Margate on the Thursday afternoon.  We went and had afternoon tea at the local café - Bread and Jam
Then Friday, 5 of us travelled to Conningham to have lunch at Jo's place...

(checking out the deck)

(and the amazing view)

And a farewell shot of us all...
(me, Pommie Pam, Pastel Pam, Fay, Brenda and Jo)
I met Pommie Pam and Fay through Brenda a number of years ago, and Pastel Pam and Jo are now new friends :)
And just to there are two Pam's in the group, to differentiate, one is Pommie Pam (the connection should be obvious) and the other is Pastel Pam as she is a is a painter of pastel pictures!
We plan on getting together again for a Christmas lunch in late November at the Hobart Casino.  So it looks like another road trip coming up :))
Thanks Jo...for a lovely day!!
Had another couple of new friends to keep me company on the trip down. 
 David Gray and Passenger (Flight of the Crow). Both now firm favourites. 
And also brought Denver back with me as he had been visiting family down that way.
On the book front, while down south, I started Book 2 in the Karl Ove Knausgaard series.  Really enjoying it so far... 
That's it from me.  Enjoy your week!